Maxim of Law 86j. The right of blood and kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil law. Dig. 50, 17, 9; Bacon, Max. reg. 11; Broom, Max. 533; Jackson v. Phillips, 14 Allen (Mass.) 562.
A new report that offers preliminary projections of Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) statistics for Fisical Year (FY) 2020 states that since 2016, there has been a declining trend in the number of children entering the foster care system annually. 273,000 people nationwide were admitted to the foster care system in FY2016; by FY2020, that number had dropped to 216,738—a 20.6 percent decrease. While this is a positive trend, be aware that the legislation enabling Child Protective Services’ activities was never properly passed by Congress.
Maxim of Law 74j. Things which are forbidden by the nature of things are confirmed by no law. Branch, Prine. Positive laws are framed after the laws of nature and reason. Finch, Law. 74.
The Act which created Child Protective Services is part of Title 42 which is a Non-positive law title of the US Code.
Non-positive law titles are forbidden by the nature of things and have not been independently enacted into law because Congress lacked the subject matter jurisdiction for creating such a statute. Additionally, section 1101(6)(d) of the 1935 Social Security Act makes it abundantly clear that neither the original intent nor any grant of power in the Legislation shall be construed as authorizing any Federal official, agent, or representative, to take charge of any child over the objections of either the child’s parents or the person standing in loco parentis (in the place of a parent) to do so.
Although our government was never given the authority to arbitrarily rule over the lives and liberties of the people, it is always attempting to tighten its hold and is turning into an increasingly despotic regime. It is up to the people to learn the truth for themselves.
NOTICE government actors are collaborating in every state to forcibly remove children from their parents under fictitious acts of legislation (non-positive law). Congress has never been delegated authority under Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution to pass legislation under Title 42. NOTICE TO CHILD SERVICES
For more information and Listen To An Actual CPS Deposition and Court Case Presented By David Jose
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