EXAMPLE subpoena duces tecum

A subpoena is an Order that is issued to require the attendance of a witness to testify at a particular time and place. A subpoena duces tecum is an Order that requires a witness to bring documents, books or other items under his, her or their control, that he she or they is bound by law to produce into evidence.

Va. Code § 8.01-407
Requests For Subpoenas, Production of Documents, etc.

The court shall certify such fact to the Attorney General of the State, and shall permit the State to intervene for presentation of evidence, if evidence is otherwise admissible in the case, and for argument on the question of constitutionality” Testify to the lawful enactment and Constitutionality of GO (Your Statute Codes You were Charged With Go Here>ASL-1342-F6 – VA CODE §18.2-57, ASL-1347 -F6 – VA CODE §18.2-51.6 , ASL-1347-F6 – VA CODE §18.2-51.6 , JUS-4828-M1 – VA CODE §18.2-460 , JUS-4828-Ml – VA CODE §18.2-460,

The writings or objects to be produced or delivered, Testify to the lawful enactment and Constitutionality of GO (Your Statute Codes You were Charged With Go Here>ASL-1342-F6 – VA CODE §18.2-57, ASL-1347 -F6 – VA CODE §18.2-51.6 , ASL-1347-F6 – VA CODE §18.2-51.6 , JUS-4828-M1 – VA CODE §18.2-460 , JUS-4828-Ml – VA CODE §18.2-460,

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http://noauthoritycourts.com Website is here to help you get out of jail, win your court case, and show you the steps to Apply for a Writ of Quo Warranto or Get a Court Order Subpoena Duces Tecum.

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