Multi-Dimensional Mastery

Pleiadian Ascension

…where you begin your journey to raise your consciousness; understand the structure of the 12 chakra and the 12 strands of DNA; understand your cosmic energy and create a dialog (body talk) with your cells to bridge the gap of communication between intuition and innate and create your own reality rather than riding the wake of another. You were never told that you are a Multi-Dimensional Master; until now.

The Keys to Multi-Dimensional Mastery are the understanding, on all levels of being, of how to work with the Frequency and Resonance of your activated Light Body through activating the physical frequencies with Intention and Magnetism.

When you awaken to the Fifth Dimension, you become aware of the “Law of One”, which is an understanding of the Quantum Unified Field and how it creates reality in your lives. The “Law of One” states that all creation derived from the original Prime Creator, or Source, and that each one of you carries the original Divine Spark within your Heart and Soul. This means that although you are individual Souls, and then as Physical Beings, you are still part of the Divine Essence, and so part of each other. The Earth, and all living beings, share a common ancestry, and so you are all part of the “One.” To use the Key of the Fifth Dimension is to fully appreciate the power of the Unified Field, and how you can work with it in your creative expression and manifestation. It is also to understand that if you harm the planet then you are also harming yourself.

As you raise your frequency you will also need to use the Key of the Fourth Dimension, to open your Heart and allow the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence that manifests in your lives as Time and Space. To Master the Fourth Dimension is to understand how you create Time through your ongoing creations as an individual and as a Community, and as a Planetary consciousness. You are all Time Travellers, and you can move between the Future, the Past and the Present. You can manifest and create on Timelines, and you can change Timelines and experience parallel lives. Unlocking the Fourth Dimension of Consciousness is closely connected to the Sixth Dimension.

The Key to the Sixth Dimension is the activation of the Creative and Magical Imagination, and creation through archetypes, stories, and the “god/goddess” energy. The Mythical Imagination is the “loom” on which you weave the magical stories of life. In order to be able to participate in the creation and manifestation of the New Earth story or dream, you must be able to walk in the “Dream Time” of the Sixth Dimension. In order to achieve this level of Conscious Creativity, you will need to activate your Magical Imagination through creativity; art, story telling, poetry, dance, music …whatever creative forms inspire your soul to magical expression. In these activities, you “play” with the muses of inspiration and are inspired by the elemental and archetypal energies that create rivers of meaning in the material world. This is the place where dreams originate, are expressed, and descend into manifestation in the Fifth Dimension.

Mastering the 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions will give you access to the Seventh Dimension, the level of the Ascended Earth Master. Here is found the Temple of Light where your Soul dwells, and where the Ascended Masters are always present and available to the Collective Consciousness of the Planet and of the Galaxy. When you are invited into the Grand Crystalline Temple of the Masters, you will understand the patterns and designs of Life and Creation. This will give you the power to direct energy within these patterns and to effectively shift the direction and flow of these energies, so being able to shift and change the stories of life being expressed on the lower Dimensions of Consciousness.

The Eighth and Ninth Dimensions represent the Solar and Galactic levels, as these open out to those who have mastered the lower levels. Once you have accepted yourself as an Ascended Master, you will then also understand your connections to the Temple of the Solar Council within the Sun/Solaris, and the Diamond Temple of the Great Central Sun that is the home of the Galactic Council. You will be able to move freely between these different levels as a fully realized Ninth Dimensional Being and citizen of the Golden Rose Galaxy.

Beloved Ones, there is much work for you to do as you enter into the Golden Age.. The Star Nations and the Angelic Realms and the Ascended Masters stand ready to assist you in your projects, your dreams and your creations. It is up to you, as Ascended Earth Masters, to use the Keys to activate the New Earth Reality that you came to initiate on Earth at this Moment!

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 10 January 2016 is here to help you with your annual credit report, credit repair, cease and desist letter, credit history, credit rating.

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