NOTICE from L.O.T.U.S.
To: General Mark A. Miley
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon
Washington, DC 20318
cc: William Baker
General D. Zelenny
Through actions filed in the DC Courts, I filed on behalf of all the people of the united states of America, the DOD and the Treasury enjoined, actions where evidence of misconduct in connection with the bankruptcy default of the Federal Reserve Bank has been uncovered and reported to the SEC. This involves the seizing of security instruments, used to re-monetize the re-named Federal Reserve Bank of Fife and Co. LLC, issues of National Security, in Federal District Courts.
The DOD is responsible for oversight of those institutions under the Lieber Code and other Statutes. Mark Miley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was served Notice of same by return receipt Certified Mail #7091640000228683005, signed for by Pamela Scott; then DOD Mark Esper was served by return receipt #70191640000228683036 and US Army Intelligence Command was served by return receipt mail #70191640000228683959 as well as others. All have failed to respond and will be in default, if communication is not opened by 4/01/20.
This is an invitation by “We the People” to notify the MILITARY (DOD) about the fraud being perpetrated under the guise of commercial undertakings, fomented against American people by FRAUD.
The Military is required by law to respond. Your support of representing the American People is appreciated.
Please give me a phone call at 614-207-0347, leave an identifying message if no answer, an email to: with request to an open dialogue, or a Letter of Comity, Amnity and Peace sent to 110 E. California Avenue, Columbus, Ohio USA [43202], or delivered by Uniformed Properly Flagged Officer in person.
“I now have access to both sides of banking ledger.”
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