The Presumption of Summons

Presumptions of the Roman Court and Roman Canon Law

–Canon 3228 (v): The Presumption of Summons

If these instruments (Court initiated summons, warrant, subpoena or replevin bond ) are not rejected and returned, with a copy of the rejection filed clearly on the Public Record (jurisdiction) the presumed position and the presumption of guilt also stands as Truth in Commerce.

In this particular case the alleged defendant rebutted his forced appearance by presenting the Judge with the recorded registration certificate issued by Florida. This certificate stated he is not the defendant on the court’s docket.

‘The name is fictitious and I am the registered owner of that name under (your State) law.’

-Canon 3228 (vi): The Presumption of Custody

Those who attend a Court initiated pursuant to the command of a summons or warrant, is presumed to be “corporate property or a thing” and therefore is liable to be detained in custody by the Courts appointed or elected “Custodian.”

Custodians may only retain custody over “property and things” and not flesh and blood living beings.

Unless this presumption is openly challenged by rejection of the summons or warrant on the Public Record, the presumption stands as Truth in Commerce and you are thereafter treated as a “thing or property.”

In this particular case this presumption was absolutely rebutted when the alleged defendant proved his arrest was a case of mistaken identity and in no way could the Court Custodian detain him after that.

Sixteen words written across the face of the summons or warrant; notarized and filed on the Public Record will cure most problems. Those words are:

“I do not accept this offer to contract and I do not consent to these proceedings.”

In addition to the above sections of Canon Law 3228, the defendant has also unknowingly rebutted the balance of the (12) presumptions:

• Court Guardians
• Court Trustees
• Government as Executor and Beneficiary
• Executor De Son Tort (not a party to)
• Incompetence
• Guilt

This particular defendant succeeded in accomplishing all of this by “registering” his ALL CAPS name as a “Fictitious Name” in which only he now owns an absolute commercial and intellectual proprietary interest in the state of Florida.

By entering it in the (Public Record) he has overcome all (12) presumptions and nullified the “prosecution and jurisdiction” of the private Roman court. His next step would be to record it in the UCC, which is a notice to the world.


There is no way for the corporate government and private Roman Court to proceed against this living being. If the prosecutor was to disclose the presumptive frauds that the Court has been operating under in the private side, it would also nullify the case and subject the judge to arrest and damages for “prosecutorial fraud” and the “absence of jurisdiction.”

Please note that the judge’s only legal response to the alleged defendant is to Order a “Stay” until the defendant secures counsel (meaning an attorney and BAR Guild member). If it is reported that the alleged defendant has not secured counsel the case remains absolutely deadlocked! If this open “stay” does not cause him any harm (and it shouldn’t) he can choose to

• do nothing or
• he can file a two page “Motion to Dismiss” or
• he can file a “Rule to Show Cause” seeking a summary judgment for damages on behalf of his living being.

What would happen if the individual follows the judge’s advice and hires an attorney? In all probability his attorney would use the alleged defendant’s “signed power of attorney” to withdraw the “Fictitious Name Registration” from the Public Record. The defendant would more than likely be imprisoned, tried on the private side, and convicted!

What other applications can this process be used for?

• licensing
• tax collections
• foreclosures
• debt collections
• the vehicle code, to name a few.

All of these matters are found on the private side and none could withstand a Constitutional challenge. Providing information on how the Cestui Que trust was formed and the trust has gone dead and they are construing the trust and operating the trust without you. With this material provided here you can straighten this out as beneficial owner with ultimate “Controlling” interest.

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